Liposuction, Aesthetic surgeries have become quite common in recent years. The number of people who have aesthetic surgeries just because they are curious is quite high, rather than those who need them. Liposuction is also one of the most wondered about aesthetic surgeries.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is the process of removing excess fat from areas where people who do not have a problem such as obesity only have regional fat. It is also known as a fat removal operation among the public. It is widely used today.

Who Can It Be Applied To?

As we mentioned above, liposuction is applied to people who do not have a weight problem and only have regional fat. This application is not a weight loss method, it only allows you to thin regionally and have a more aesthetically correct physique.

If you have excess weight, you must first get rid of these kilos with regular nutrition and sports. Then, if there is regional fat that bothers you, liposuction can be applied.

In Which Cases Does It Not Work?

If you are someone who constantly gains and loses weight, this application may not provide recovery in your body. If your body has sagged due to weight gain and loss, it is not possible to achieve recovery and tightening with this application.

For this reason, having this application does not mean that you will not gain weight again. You should also include regular exercise and sports in your life with this application. Otherwise, this application will not be of any use to you in the long term.

Recovery Period

A recovery period of a few weeks is expected after the application. You need to use a special corset after this application. It is essential to use this corset for your body to recover healthily. It is essential to use a corset for approximately 4-8 weeks.

If there is no problem with the healing of your stitches at the end of this period, it is possible to return to your normal life. Normally, your stitches are removed one week after the procedure. If the opposite happens, this process may be extended.

As we mentioned above, a regular exercise program is essential after the application. If your recovery process is normal, you can start your exercises after 3-4 weeks. It will be healthier for you to start small, without tiring yourself.