
Breast Aesthetics

This operation is one of the operations that takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. During the operation, a drain is placed in the patient and is removed when discharged. After the operation, the patient may have pain for the first day and a day or two.
These operations leave scars no matter what technique is used. However, since the operation is an aesthetic operation, the scars that will form on the breast are not disturbing. The stitch marks that appear red at the beginning later turn white and become a thin line. It is generally not a disturbing situation in terms of aesthetics.
After breast aesthetic surgery, the patient has a certain recovery period. It is important for the patient to get through this period in the most correct way. At the same time, taking into account the doctor's recommendations during this process ensures that the patient recovers quickly.
As in all operations, the doctor's experience and operations are important in breast aesthetics operations. Deciding on this operation after investigating how successful he/she is in this regard is always a great advantage for the patient. The patient's compliance with the recommendations also significantly reduces the risks of this operation.

Surgery Aesthetics

Looking beautiful and pleasant is a situation that increases self-confidence, especially in women. Almost every woman sees hairdressers, beauty salons and some expert aestheticians in order to look nice.
Non-surgical facelift procedures vary depending on the preferred methods. Each technique has its own application method and effect. We can give you some information about how a non-surgical facelift is performed, which is the most common.
It is a very useful treatment with 59 effective substances in its injection content. It is one of the latest technologies in skin renewal treatment. It provides a bright and vibrant appearance on the person's skin in a single session.
Göz altı ışık dolgusunun göze veya göz çevresine zararı bulunmamaktadır. İşlem sonrası şişme, kızarıklık veya geçici morluk ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Ancak işlemden sonraki sürede bu yan etkiler de kendiliğinden 3-5 gün içinde geçmektedir. Ancak alerjik reaksiyon gösterebilecek olan hastaların uzmanlar eşliğinde değerlendirilerek işleme başlaması önerilmektedir.

Facial Aesthetics

The most important feature of non-surgical facelift procedures is that they do not have serious side effects. There may be simple redness, swelling and bruising, but these are completely temporary. However, there is an important situation that we need to warn you about at this point, and that is that side effects and damages will not occur only when you get help from experts and experienced people in this field.
Mutlaka iz kalacaktır elbette ancak burun tabanı izlerin gizlenebildiği yerlerden biridir. İlk aylarda pembe, kızarık bir iz gözle görülebilirken 3-6 ay içinde ve sonrasında artık ten renginde belli belirsiz bir hal alacaktır.

Body Aesthetics

Liposuction is the process of removing excess fat from areas where people who do not have a problem such as obesity only have regional fat. It is also known as a fat removal operation among the public. It is used quite widely today.
Arm lift surgery is a permanent operation and unless there is a condition that will cause the arm to deform again, there may be no need for repeat arm lift surgery.


Nose filler; It is used to achieve the desired appearance by eliminating the gaps in the nose structure. The filling material applied to the required points
The biggest advantage of nose filler is that it can give the desired shape to the nose in cases where the patient does not need to undergo Rhinoplasty (Nose aesthetic surgery) or Tip Plasty (Nasal tip aesthetic surgery).