Arm lift surgery is performed by making an incision of approximately 5 cm from the inner part of the arm to the part parallel to the armpit folds and removing the sagging skin and fat tissue. Arm lift surgery is performed under surgical conditions and general anesthesia. In arm lift surgery, a hidden stitch method called aesthetic stitching, which disappears on its own, is used.

Why is Arm Lift Aesthetics Performed?

Loose and sagging arm skin that occurs due to certain reasons can disturb people both cosmetically and aesthetically and psychologically. Open arms, especially in short-sleeved clothes, look bad and this situation can also negatively affect people's social lives. Patients may want to have arm lift aesthetics to prevent this bad appearance and feel better.

How Long Does Arm Lift Surgery Take?

Arm lift surgery takes an average of 2-3 hours. The duration of the operation may vary depending on the patient's condition.

Things to Consider Before Arm Lift Surgery

Before arm lift surgery, patients are asked to undergo certain tests and examinations. If there is no problem that will prevent the surgery and anesthesia, the arm lift surgery date is determined. Before the surgery, the patient is told that if they are taking blood thinners, they should stop and that they should not eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours before the surgery.

Who Can Have Arm Lift?

Arm lift surgery can be performed on adult women and men who have aesthetic discomfort. People who will undergo arm lift aesthetics should not have any obstacles that will prevent them from receiving anesthesia.

Does Arm Lift Surgery Need to Be Repeated?

Arm lift surgery is a permanent operation and if there is no condition that will cause the arm to deform again, there may be no need for arm lift surgery again.