In tip lift surgery, the narrow nose-lip angle is widened and brought to the required angle. This procedure is a part of tip aesthetics (tip plasty) surgery.

While the nasal bones are also intervened in classic nose aesthetics (rhinoplasty) surgery, in tip lift surgery, only the cartilage and soft tissues that form the tip of the nose are intervened.

Since the nasal bones are not touched in this surgery, the surgery takes a shorter time, there is less edema and bruising after the surgery, and the recovery and return to normal life period is shorter.

On the other hand, if there are additional aesthetic problems in the bone structures of the nose, such as a humped nose, tip plasty surgery is performed in the same session with the aesthetic surgery of other parts of the nose.

When the nose is lifted, the upper lip-nose angle being wider than normal, in other words, being lifted too much, gives an extremely bad appearance. Short noses, where the nostrils are seen from the front, occur due to surgeries where the nose is lifted more than normal, and are difficult to correct.

Is There a Difference in Application Between Male and Female Patients?

Both the ideal angle between the nose and the lip and the alignment of the nose bridge and the tip of the nose are different in men and women. In men, excessive lifting of the nose gives the man a feminine, womanly appearance and is again an undesirable situation. Therefore, the approaches should also be different.

While the tip of the nose is more lifted and narrow in women, the lip-nose angle is kept at 90 degrees in men and is not thinned too much. On the other hand, the tip of the nose is slightly forward compared to the back of the nose in women, while the back of the nose and the tip of the nose are kept in line in men.

How is Tip Lift Aesthetics Performed?

It is performed under local or general anesthesia in operating room conditions using open or closed techniques. The nasal cartilages are reshaped, the lip-nose angle is brought to the required angle. In large noses, the cartilages are shortened, and in flat noses, this problem is solved with cartilage supports.

If there are any excesses on the wings of the nose, they are removed. If the nostrils are wide, they are narrowed. If there is a curvature in the septum area inside the nose, this curvature is also corrected and more symmetrical and open nostrils are obtained when viewed from the outside. Cartilage supports are placed in this area so that the nose does not fall over time.

Most of the time, the hump on the bridge of the nose, the excess and width of the nasal bones are also intervened in the same session. While only nasal tip aesthetics, in other words, Tip Rhinoplasty surgery, can be performed, most of the time other parts of the nose are also intervened in, in which case the surgery is called rhinoplasty, or aesthetic nose surgery.

After Tip Rhinoplasty Surgery and Recovery

2 hours after the surgery, liquid foods are started to be taken orally and the patient gets up and walks after 4 hours. They lie in a semi-sitting position on the bed. In this way, the pressure on the facial area is minimized and possible swelling and bruising are minimized.

At the same time, blood leakage is reduced. Cold is applied to both sides of the nose. Strainful movements such as bending forward, straining, and excessive talking are avoided. Edema begins to decrease in the days following the surgery. However, it takes 6-12 months for the edema and swelling to completely disappear and for the nose to regain its true appearance.

Recovery Process After Tip Lift Aesthetics

The edema that develops after the surgery decreases over the months and reaches its final state between 6 and 12 months.