Six Pick Surgery, which means abdominal muscle aesthetics, is also called diamond abdominal aesthetics in our country.

Six pack is an effective operation that is mostly preferred by men and gives a muscular appearance in the abdominal region. The operation, which creates a distinct contour in the abdominal region, is applied by people who want to gain a fitter and younger appearance.

Six pack, which is applied to people who want to build muscle by making long efforts with intense sports and diet applications for such an appearance, can easily provide these people with diamond abdominal muscles with this method.

In fact, there are diamond slices in the abdominal region from the belly button to the chest area. However, in order to reveal these muscles, it is necessary to do sports regularly and for a long time.

And for people who cannot do these long-paced sports activities, six pack surgery is one of the most effective methods. 6 diamond slice muscles appear in people who have six pack surgery without even having to do sports.

However, in order for this to be permanent, it is necessary to put an end to habits such as eating frequently and unhealthy lifestyle after the surgery.

What is Six Pack Surgery, How is it Performed?

With Six Pack Surgery, the fat in the chest area is basically controlled. The methods to be applied here may vary depending on the degree of fat.

If the fat in the person's chest area is excessive, then the breasts are restored to their former state with gynecomastia surgery.

After this, the excess fat in the abdominal area is removed with liposuction, that is, the fat removal method, and the abdominal muscles in that area are designed, and when necessary, the procedure is completed by performing an abdominoplasty surgery. Six pack rhomboid muscles can be created after the surgery, which takes about 1 hour on average.

When Does the Six Pack Effect Appear?

The effects of the six pack surgery can be seen with the eye immediately after the surgery. However, although swelling and edema may occur for a while due to the surgery, a complete and successful six pack appearance appears after 7 to 10 days.

In order to have a more comfortable process after the six pack surgery, the person should pay attention to what they eat and drink. Overeating or losing excessive weight can cause the rhomboid muscles to disappear. Therefore, a balanced diet and doing sports are definitely important to maintain the obtained appearance.

For a six-pack surgery that does not leave a scar, people do not need to have any aesthetic concerns. Only due to liposuction, some thin scars may remain under the skin. However, these also close quickly on their own.

Things to Consider Before and After Six-Pack Surgery

There are certain points that people who decide to have six-pack surgery should definitely pay attention to before and after the surgery. Some of these are as follows:

  • Before the surgery, the person should stay away from blood thinners and foods
  • A corset is recommended by the doctor after the surgery. The patient's recovery process is also accelerated with this corset
  • After the surgery, the person should make their daily life more organized.
  • Regular nutrition and regular sports will ensure that the muscular appearance obtained is preserved.
By taking all these precautions, you can achieve the fit and athletic appearance you desire and develop an effective solution against regional fat. With the six-pack surgery, which is extremely practical, incisionless and painless, you can recover in a short time without leaving a scar and get the diamond muscles you want.