You can get the nose you desire with Rhinoplasty.
Information about Rhinoplasty Methods and Rhinoplasty Prices 2024 is on our page.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is performed with two different methods, open and closed. Op. Dr. Erkin Önsal generally prefers closed rhinoplasty.

In closed rhinoplasty surgery, the outer part of the nose is not cut, our doctor enters from the inside of the nostrils and completes the procedure in a way that suits the person's face without disrupting the naturalness of the nose.

By making small incisions from the inside of the nose, the cartilage and bone structures are reached without cutting the special ligaments and nerves at the tip of the nose. The excessively seen hump structure is removed. The wide nose structure is narrowed.

The desired appearance can be achieved by shaping the nose tip cartilages appropriately. The most natural results can be achieved in this way without disrupting the aesthetics and anatomy of the nose.

How is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Rhinoplasty is among the most preferred aesthetic operations. The nose is one of the most important structures of our body in terms of both function and aesthetics.

Therefore, within Rhinoplasty; It is an operation that includes all operations related to lifting the tip of the nose, narrowing the width, getting rid of the nasal hump, correcting curvatures and breathing, and includes a wide range of requests.

In this operation, while providing expectations with rhinoplasty with Op. Dr. Erkin Önsal, it also creates the most suitable, most natural, most characteristic appearance for the person's face.

Before the surgery, all the general measurements and proportions of the face are calculated and the most suitable nose type is prepared in 3D simulation.

As Privacy Aesthetic Clinic, our goal is to have a natural, comfortable breathing nose that is compatible with the whole face and to make you happy without disrupting the basic structures of the nose.

What are the Advantages of Rhinoplasty?

The reason why our nose is big, long or crooked is actually because our cartilages inside the nose are big, long or crooked.

Op.Dr. Erkin Önsal enters from the inside of the nostrils and shortens the long cartilages, thins the thick structure, files the arched structure and your nose gains a natural appearance that suits your face. Since he does not cut the outer part of the nose while doing all this, your recovery is fast and your bruises are at a minimum. Pain, ache and swelling are much less than open nose surgery.

After explaining all this, you may be wondering how open nose surgery is performed. Let's talk about open nose surgery a little.

In open nose surgery, the line between the two nostrils is cut from the outside, the inside of the nose is opened and the procedure is performed and closed again. After this procedure, no matter how magnificent the stitches are placed on the outer part of the two nostrils, there is a possibility of scarring and this is a situation that prevents naturalness.

Since the incisions made on the outer part also cut the nerves, the person who has nose surgery may not be able to feel their nose even after years. At the same time, incisions made on the outer part prolong the healing period and are also disadvantageous in terms of bruising and swelling.

Who Can Have Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Dimension aesthetics can be performed. By shortening your long and existing nose structure, a harmonious appearance can be achieved with your face. A larger nose structure causes a harder appearance on the face, the high hump on the nose can be removed and the harsh and angry expression on the face can be made more harmonious.

A narrower nose can be obtained with width aesthetics and your cheekbones can be made to stand out. The desired result can be achieved by calculating the width according to the proportions on your face.

With nose aesthetics, you can achieve the desired appearance without breaking the nose structure. Splints and tampons are not used after this procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia in suitable patients.

The wide nose structure can be made narrower and smaller. Generally asymmetrical nostrils can be equalized by shaping the cartilages on the inside or by providing appropriate reductions in the holes.

Nasal curvature is among the most difficult procedures to correct. Sometimes, a curvature can be seen in the nose due to asymmetries on the face. In asymmetrical facial structure, there may not be a hundred percent correction in the nose.

A crooked nose structure usually causes difficulty in breathing. In other words, both the shape of the nose structure can be corrected and breathing problems can be corrected.

Breathing problems can be improved. Generally, curvatures due to the septum cartilage in the internal structure of the nose impair breathing. You can get rid of this problem by correcting this cartilage with surgery.

Before Rhinoplasty Surgery

A detailed interview before the surgery is one of the most important stages for a successful result. The patient's expectations, thoughts about the current nose structure nducts, the desire to have surgery is evaluated.

All these evaluations are carried out with the support of our clinical expert psychologist and professional team. Op. Dr. Erkin Önsal conducts a detailed interview with the patient, and performs examinations of the inner and outer regions of the nose. Detailed pre-photographs are taken from every angle in the photo studio available in our clinic.

The possible result after the surgery is determined by calculating all facial measurements and proportions of the patient. At this stage, the patient's expectations and wishes are evaluated and the planning is completed.

After Rhinoplasty Surgery

Post-operative checks should be performed at regular intervals to achieve the best result. The recovery period is different from all other surgeries. Skin structure is very important during this period. Especially in patients with thick skin, all edema should be waited patiently to pass in order to reach the final result.

The recovery process may be faster in patients with relatively thin-skinned nasal structures. If silicone tampons were used, tampons and splints are removed in the first week.

Patients can travel by plane after this period. After all bandages are removed in the second week, all edema can be accelerated by massaging.

Especially in crooked noses, different massages can be applied to prevent the cartilage memory from re-forming. The necessary table about aesthetics is presented to you below.

Things to Consider After Rhinoplasty

Since you will breathe through your mouth after the operation due to tampons and bandages, you should drink water frequently.
  • Soft and easily chewable foods should be consumed.
  • Lip balm should be applied to keep your lips moist.
  • You should breathe through your mouth until the tampons are removed.
  • You should never use blood thinners.
  • The head should be kept elevated up to 30 degrees during sleep.
  • A soft brush should be used when brushing your teeth because the nose is close to your mouth.
  • Avoid bending over and lifting heavy objects for 15 days after the operation.
  • Do not use glasses for 3 months.
  • After the tampons are removed, clean your nose very slowly with the ointment and ear cleaning stick given by the doctor.
  • Do not go out directly to the sun for 1 month.

Rhinoplasty Prices 2024

We offer you our special prices with Prices 2024. All plastic surgeons can perform open rhinoplasty, but closed rhinoplasty, or closed rhinoplasty, is a much more comprehensive operation. This operation, which is difficult for the doctor and easy for the patient, should definitely be the first choice for those who aim for naturalness.

Closed rhinoplasty surgery takes an average of 1 and a half hours, silicone tampons are placed inside the nose immediately after the operation. A small plaster and bandage are placed on the outside of the nose.

These silicone tampons are state-of-the-art, thanks to the holes in their interior, you can breathe even with tampons in your nose, and the tampon removal process is much easier because the silicone tampon takes the shape of your nostrils as it comes out of your nose, so you get rid of the tampons without getting hurt.

The tampons placed inside the nose stay in your nose for a full week. At the end of the first week, your bandages, plaster and tampons are removed.

A smaller bandage is placed on your nose. This bandage allows you to quickly get rid of the edema in your nose. These small bandages are also removed during your second week check-up and massages are started.

There are three massage techniques. These massages are again performed to ensure that the edema in your nose passes quickly. Our patients apply these massages, shown by our doctor, several times a day for six months.

After the second week check-up, we perform check-ups in the first month, third month, sixth month and first year. It may take up to 1 year for the nose to take its new shape completely and for the edema in the inner and outer parts to completely pass. Your first year is the date when you reach the appearance where your nose will remain stable.

Contact us immediately for all information about Rhinoplasty prices 2024, learn detailed information from our expert consultants.