Prominent ears are quite common both in our country and in the world. Since it generally has no side effects on the body, it is not considered a disease. However, since it disturbs people in terms of aesthetics, prominent ear surgery has been performed quite commonly recently.

Prominent ears are seen as a problem that needs to be resolved urgently in individuals, as they are both a lack of self-confidence and something that makes the person unhappy in terms of aesthetics.

What is Prominent Ear?

Prominent ear is the general structure of the ear being distorted. Therefore, there is an outward turning in the cartilage of the ear in its shape, and this is reflected as protrusion. It is completely caused by the looseness of the cartilages and the inadequacy of the folds.

As we mentioned above, although it does not have a negative effect on the general structure of the body, it disturbs the person extremely in terms of aesthetics. For this reason, prominent ear surgery is quite curious.

Unknown Things About Prominent Ear Surgery

Prominent ears, which bothered people a lot in the past years, can be brought under control with a short-term surgical method today. Prominent ear surgery is a very simple surgery compared to other types of surgery and has a short recovery period.

This aesthetic operation, which must be performed with appropriate hospital conditions, is an operation that takes approximately 40-90 minutes, although it varies depending on the patient's age and protruding condition.

In this operation, ear cartilages are taken as the basis and the cartilage structure is corrected as it should be. Since incisions will be made in the ear during the protruding ear surgery, the healing period of the incisions may take a while.

Recovery Period

General or local anesthesia is applied in the operation. This may vary depending on the protruding condition. If the patient has not been given general anesthesia, the patient is discharged on the same day. In this case, the patient's return to daily life takes a little less time.

However, patients who receive general anesthesia have a one-day hospital stay. After this period, the patient can return to daily life within 1-2 weeks after discharge.


  • Contrary to popular belief, protruding ear surgery is not a surgery to be feared.
  • Since the recovery process is a little shorter in young children, the risks are at a minimum level.
  • Therefore, if your child has a protruding ear condition, you should make sure that there is nothing to fear.