Non-Surgical facelift is ideal for those who want to defy the years but do not want to undergo surgery. As it is known, the skin cannot defy gravity with advancing age. However, wrinkles occur due to collagen loss. Many other factors also cause skin wrinkles and sagging. Although this situation cannot be prevented, it is always possible to have much tighter and younger skin thanks to advanced methods today.

What is Non-Surgical Facelift?

Naturally, people are curious about what non-surgical facelift is and whether it really works. Many people think that an effective result cannot be achieved if surgical intervention is not performed. The methods used in facelift procedures today are so effective that this prejudice will completely disappear. Facelift operations are the most preferred methods in the field of aesthetics in recent years. There are actually quite simple but effective methods such as injection procedures, laser applications, and the use of sound waves.

Those Who Have Non-Surgical Facelift

Those who have non-surgical facelift are generally satisfied with the results obtained. The effectiveness and success of the applied methods are already obvious. At this point, the most important thing that people should pay attention to is to choose the appropriate methods. There are many methods and options that can be preferred for facelift procedures. Since not all of these methods will have the same effect on everyone, you need to choose the one that suits you. When you make the right decision in this regard, you can increase both the permanence and effectiveness of the procedure.

You can get help from experts in choosing the most suitable one for you among non-surgical facelift procedures. It would be better for you to get information about what the methods are, their effects and how they are done.

How is a Non-Surgical Facelift Performed?

Non-surgical facelift procedures again vary according to the preferred methods. Each technique has its own application method and effect. We can give you some information about how the most commonly applied non-surgical facelift is performed.

  • First of all, the most suitable methods are selected for the patients and the patient is prepared accordingly. Since these procedures are not surgical, you can have them done at any time during the day.
  • Your doctor will inform you about what to do and what to pay attention to before and after the procedure.
  • In general, anesthesia is not required in these types of operations. Only a cream with an anesthetic effect can be applied.
  • Your doctor or an expert in this field will apply the method and you usually don't even need to stay in the hospital afterwards.
  • Some methods may be effective at once, while some methods may require several sessions.

Non-surgical face lift procedures are generally risk-free and problem-free procedures. When you get help from an expert in this field, you can easily have the procedure done without any problems and have much younger, tighter skin.

Non-Surgical Face Lift Prices Istanbul Non-surgical facelift prices vary depending on both the applied methods and the needs of the individuals. You need to pay according to which of these methods you choose or how many sessions these methods are applied. The clinic and specialist that will perform the procedure also have an effect on the determination of prices. As a result, higher prices are valid in clinics that are successful, experienced and apply advanced methods. At this point, the issue of price should not be your priority. Because there are many people who provide services to people at affordable prices but victimize them. If you do not want to experience such problems, you should definitely choose people who are successful in their field, use quality materials and benefit from advanced technologies.

Non-surgical facelift prices may be slightly higher in metropolitan cities such as Istanbul. This is due to the fact that the devices in the clinics in the region are more advanced, and the costs are higher. In this respect, the fee requested for the procedures may be high.

Non-Surgical Facelift Methods

There are many effective and successful non-surgical facelift methods applied to eliminate wrinkles on the face. Commonly used facelift methods are as follows;

PRP Mesolift Salmon DNA Face Lift

In this method, various substances are injected into the skin of the person and in this way, the skin is both tighter and many skin problems are eliminated. In this method, useful vitamins and substances are applied to the skin of the person in the form of tiny injections. In the method referred to as PRP, the person's own blood is taken and various processes are performed to obtain the beneficial and rich growth hormones in it. This new substance obtained is also injected under the skin. When these methods are considered in general, they are the methods that obtain the most effective results among non-surgical skin tightening procedures. It is effective not only in eliminating wrinkles but also in correcting many skin problems.

Laserlift Face Lift

In laser face lift procedures, the tissues under the skin are heated with laser beams in a way that does not pose a danger to skin health. As a result of this heating, collagen production under the skin is triggered. A tight appearance is created on the skin surface with collagen production. Not only tightness but also healthier and brighter skin emerges.

Micro Focused Ultrasound Face Lift

Sound waves are used in micro focused ultrasound face lift. Sound waves given to the skin surface provide tension to the subcutaneous tissues. This method is usually effective for sagging in the cheek area. Thanks to the sound waves, no wounds are opened on the skin of the person and thus the subcutaneous tissues are repaired without any surgical intervention. Moreover, even a single session is enough for you to get effective results with this method.

Before and After Non-Surgical Face Lift

There are many issues that people should pay attention to before and after non-surgical face lift. If you pay attention to the points we will tell you, you can get much more effective and successful results. First of all, we will talk about the issues that should be known and paid attention to before the procedure. These issues;
  • Although face lift operations are comfortable and trouble-free procedures, people still and your psychological state should be ready for this.
  • As a result, after the procedures, it will take a certain period of time for this situation to settle on the face.
  • Although non-surgical facelift procedures are less risky, the choice of doctor is still very important. Working with experts and successful people in this field will also make the procedure better. You should do research when choosing a doctor and make the right choices as much as possible.

There are some situations that need to be taken into consideration after non-surgical facelift.

These situations;
  • There may be a slight ache in the area after the procedure. There may also be a slight swelling.
  • In addition, slight bruising may be observed in the area where the procedure was performed. Such situations are completely temporary and will pass in a few days. If they do not pass, you should definitely inform your doctor.
  • Smoking reduces the speed of recovery in all kinds of surgical or non-surgical procedures. For this reason, smoking should definitely be stopped after the operation.
  • After the procedures, you should not even do standard skin care procedures on your face. At this point, you can consult your doctor about how long it will take and what you can do.

Non-surgical Face Lift Device

As a non-surgical face lift device, devices that work with laser systems, sound waves or can be injected under the skin are used. The devices used have been developed specifically for these procedures and are proven to be effective. First of all, if you have any doubts or concerns that these devices may be harmful or harmful, do not worry. A great deal of effort is spent for many years in the development and production process of these devices. They are put on the market after undergoing many tests and controls. In this respect, the devices do not have any problems or dangers.

At this point, we need to warn you about an important issue again. In places that provide service clinically and through specialist doctors, the devices are supplied in their original form and their regular maintenance is done. However, there is never a guarantee for these in places referred to as under the counter. In other words, when you have the procedure done in such a center, we definitely cannot guarantee the devices used.

Non-surgical Face Lift Procedures

Non-surgical face lift procedures are procedures that have been preferred more in recent years, both providing a more natural appearance and making the patient more comfortable. First of all, there are fewer risks and side effects in these methods. However, there are many more advantages. These advantages;

  • First of all, since these procedures are not completely permanent, reversal is possible even if you do not like it.
  • The procedures are very easy and are performed in a short time. You do not need to stay in the hospital or arrange your days for this.
  • Anyone who wants can have these procedures. In general, when sound waves or laser methods are preferred, there is no danger to the skin since there is no external injection process. Only the lower layers of the skin are stimulated and repaired. Methods such as HIFU application are very advantageous in this respect.
  • Non-surgical methods have a much more natural appearance. In most cases, it is not even noticeable from the outside since the skin repairs itself, tightens and produces collagen.
  • If you are afraid of surgical methods, you can easily prefer it.
  • The healing process is much faster.
Non-surgical face lift procedures are generally more advantageous and effective methods. Perhaps the only disadvantage of these methods is that they are not permanent. Apart from this, they can be easily preferred and applied by a specialist doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is HIFU non-surgical face lift?

In HIFU application, sound waves are used to ensure that the skin recovers itself in non-surgical face lift procedures. Thanks to the sound waves applied to the subcutaneous tissue, the skin is activated and both recovery and tightening are achieved. Rejuvenation is achieved by increasing collagen formation in the skin at the same time.

How long does the non-surgical facelift effect last?

The effect of non-surgical facelift procedures varies depending on the method applied. The effect of each application on the skin will be different. In general, the effect of the procedures starts between 2-6 months and can last up to 12-24 months.

How much are non-surgical facelift operations?

The fee you need to pay varies according to the methods applied in non-surgical facelift operations. In addition, since some non-surgical methods are applied in several sessions, the price may vary. You should contact your specialist doctor to get more detailed information about non-surgical facelift prices.

How permanent is non-surgical facelift?

The permanence of non-surgical facelift procedures is between 12-24 months at most. Perhaps the only negative aspect of these methods is that the procedures are not permanent enough. In other words, you should definitely have the procedures repeated at certain intervals.

Are there any harms to non-surgical facelift procedures?

The most important feature of non-surgical facelift procedures is that they do not have any serious side effects. Simply put, redness There may be some swellings and bruises, but these are completely temporary. However, there is an important thing we need to warn you about at this point, and that is that side effects and damages will not occur only when you get help from experts and experienced people in this field.