Breast reduction; I think the most important condition in surgeries is the person's health. In other words, chronic diseases such as diabetes and other chronic diseases, smoking are conditions that delay the healing of the wound. Especially smoking is a condition that prevents the scars from healing better after breast reduction surgery.

These should be avoided as much as possible and if the patient is diabetic, they should be someone who is regularly followed up. Breast reduction surgery is one of the surgeries that lasts approximately three and a half to four hours. The patient usually needs to stay in the hospital for one night at most. The patient can be discharged the next morning.
Breast reduction surgery is not a very troublesome surgery. The patient can resume their daily life in a short time. In short, it is an easier surgery than an abdominoplasty.
It can be easily performed on patients who smoke and especially diabetics under the supervision of a doctor and who use their regular medication. If the patient also takes care of the wound and baths regularly, it is possible to completely resume their normal life in approximately 3 weeks without any problems.


Before Breast Reduction

Patients who decide to have surgery should also inform the doctor about whether there is a breast cancer case in their past and family. These are surgeries performed in hospital conditions and under general anesthesia. They are completed in approximately 2.5-3 hours. The patient is checked for anesthesia by the anesthesiologist before the surgery.
A number of tests are performed. The results of the procedure performed after the surgery are noticed the day after the surgery. Physically, patients who usually feel a heaviness on their back, such as back pain, notice this relief immediately. If blood thinners are used before the surgery, the doctor tells the patient to stop.

Things to Know After Breast Reduction

After this operation, the patient stays in the hospital for one day, the drain inserted during the surgery is removed from the patient and the patient is discharged. The patient comes for a doctor's check-up a week later to have the stitches removed and continues her daily life 2-3 weeks later.
During this period, the patient has to wear a special bra and this special bra has to be worn after the surgery. At the same time, patients feel relaxed when this bra is worn. Although there is pain for a day or two after the surgery, this is eliminated with the painkillers prescribed by the doctor and the patient can continue her daily life.

Is There Much Pain After Breast Reduction?

This operation is one of the operations that takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. During the operation, a drain is placed in the patient and removed when discharged. After the operation, the patient may have pain for the first day and a day or two.
However, these pains are not very severe pains that will bother the patient. The pain that the doctor will prescribe It can be easily passed with cutters and the patient quickly enters the recovery process with the pain decreasing after the first 3 days.

Does Breast Reduction Leave Scars?

No matter which technique is used in these operations, scars will remain. However, since the operation is an aesthetic operation, the scars that will occur on the breast are not disturbing scars. The stitch marks that are initially seen as red later turn white and become a thin line. It is generally not a disturbing situation in terms of aesthetics.


What are the Risks of Breast Reduction?

This surgery may have risks that are common in every surgery in general, rather than the risks of breast reduction. The most important known risks are bleeding, inflammation, nipple and sensitivity changes, and the risks that occur after the operation.
Since these are aesthetic stitches, they are usually not very visible and bad-looking scars. Pain that will occur after the operation is one of the expected normal situations. Hardness may occur in the breast.
There may be a delay in wound healing after the operation. Allergic reactions may rarely occur. All these risks are at a minimum level. These usually do not happen, although the probability of them occurring is minimal.

Does Breast Reduction Cause Cancer?

One of the situations that women worry about is whether breast reduction operations cause breast cancer. Operations do not cause breast cancer.
On the contrary, plastic surgeons and scientists say that breast reduction operations reduce the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, there is no information in the studies that such a risk develops accordingly.


What Should Be Considered After Breast Reduction?

After the operation, patients must wear a special bra for 3-4 weeks. In addition, it is undesirable to do heavy work, lift weights and do heavy sports activities for 2 months. However, the patient can return to his/her daily routine after completing the recovery process between 3 and 6 weeks.


Breast Reduction Prices 2024

It is not a correct method to get information about prices from the internet. This information can be determined by mutual consultation between the patient and the doctor. In addition, the method technique to be used in each patient, the patient's physical structure, measurements, how much tissue will be taken, etc. are situations that change the prices.
In addition, the doctor's experience in this regard and in which hospital it will be performed are situations that change the prices. Therefore, the most accurate information on this subject is the information obtained by consulting with the doctor. You can contact us immediately to get information about breast reduction prices in 2024.
AnesthesiaOperation Time
Recovery Time
Final Result
Use Time
Points to Consider
Pain Level
Genel2-3 Hours3-5 DaysMonthsContinuousContinue Routine Breast Screening