Also known as the treatment for upper lip shortness, upper lip lift is for patients who are not satisfied with the length of the upper lip area. In lip lift surgery, the area between the upper lip, the base of the columella (middle column of the nose) and the reddish pink of the lip is targeted. The ideal length of this area in facial aesthetic surgery is between 12-15 millimeters. However, this length may vary depending on the location of the surrounding features of the individual's face. If the length in this part is much longer than it should be, that is, if it is too much to bother the person, support can be sought from aesthetic surgery.

Effects and Permanence of Lip Lift Surgery

After lip lift surgery, patients immediately notice a fullness in their lips. However, swelling and bruising that will be experienced in the post-operative period are part of the healing process. A period of three months is usually required for these symptoms to completely disappear and the scars to heal. During this period, the final results of the operation gradually appear.

Healing period of swelling and bruising: Approximately three weeks
Healing period of scars: Approximately one month

The aesthetic improvement provided by the operation positively affects the facial expression of the patients in the long term. Although the lip lift procedure offers a permanent solution, it is not independent of the natural aging process of the face. Since it will continue to age with the rest of the face over time, it is recommended to pay attention to the care of this area. Despite this, the area where the lip lift surgery is performed generally provides long-term aesthetic satisfaction. This explains the popularity of the operation and the reason for its preference.

How is Lip Lift Surgery Performed?

Lip lift surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure in an accredited surgical facility under general anesthesia. The surgery usually takes 1-2 hours to complete. There will be some swelling and moderate pain in the first few days after the surgery, but the results will be immediately visible. It may take several months for the final appearance of the lifted lip to show its full effect.

What is the Recovery Process for Lip Lift Surgery?

The recovery process for lip lift aesthetics varies between 5 and 7 days. There is usually a 72-hour swelling on the upper lip that can be controlled with cold compresses. Possible pain is controlled with painkillers prescribed by your doctor. The healing of the incision scars accelerates within a few weeks, and healing continues for about a year. During this time, the scars become imperceptible.

Will There Be Any Scars After Lip Lift Surgery?

Of course, there will be scars, but the base of the nose is one of the places where scars can be hidden. While a pink, red scar is visible to the eye in the first months, it will become imperceptible in skin color within 3-6 months and later.